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Posts from the ‘Informational’ Category

Quick Bruschetta Tips and Recipes

I was in a check-out line yesterday, when the man behind me ruefully surveyed his purchases and remarked that he was going to try to make bruschetta. Read more

Cleaning Chicken And Sanitary Egg Practices – Safe Eggnog Recipe

I couldn’t believe my ears the other day, when a celebrity chef, guesting on a talk show, recommended using raw egg whites in a recipe. This is in the midst of the “rinse or not to rinse” chicken debate, and that chef, I seem to recall, was on the nay side.   Read more

Kitchen Mallets Are Great Tools

It’s funny how something can sit in a drawer for years, used regularly, but not so frequently that it’s kept in sight. Then suddenly, it’s the topic of a couple of conversations, causing you to stop and re-evaluate its importance. Read more

History of Hot Dogs and Some Good Hot Dog Recipes

The past two weeks, I’ve been talking about easy dinner solutions, yet haven’t mentioned the easiest and perhaps most economical food of all—the hot dog! Hot dogs have been a bone of contention for years. Are they just fun food, or a valid entrée ingredient? Read more


In the past week, I’ve heard two talk show hosts mention that they liked a fish dish and wanted to learn to prepare it but were at a loss as to how to remove the skin before cooking. Read more

Family Meal Planning Efficiency During the Week

In my last posting,  I talked  about the fact that in the fall, when activities start up, especially after school opens, schedules fill up so fast, even into the evening hours, that many people get really stressed. It takes time to adjust to new routines and frequently the first casualties are meals, most especially the family dinner. Read more


About 5 yrs. ago all the chefs began touting “brining” poultry. My family has been “soaking” it in salted water, before cooking, for generations because salt draws the blood. Unlike other meats, residual blood in poultry toughens the meat and taints the taste. Read more

Basic Sauces Explained – Recipes for your favorite basic Sauces

A friend, who’s a really savvy cook, read me the riot act, via email, right after last week’s posting appeared. Quite rightly, he pointed out that I had confused sauces identity by incorrectly lumping them with gravies.   Read more