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Posts from the ‘Informational’ Category


First, I want to remind everyone that October is the month to find the best prices on many items needed for the holidays, especially baking supplies, including decorative sugars, seasonings, nuts, candied fruits, spices and butter. I know this sounds premature but by November the ‘specials’ begin to disappear and by Thanksgiving most of these products are sold out and not restocked for the holidays. I learned this several years ago when I waited until December to buy for Christmas dishes including the cookies and other desserts, frozen vegetables, even poultry seasoning. Things were either higher priced than weeks before or simply not there. The following years proved this to be a marketing pattern. So start paying attention now.

The subject of preparing dishes ahead to avoid stress later brings me to why I love meringues, they’re easy to make, fun to work with and have a long shelf life. This last asset is why I chose them for this week’s topic. If kept airtight, they can be made weeks in advance of an event and save a ton of work.

Once very popular, meringues lost favor partly because they don’t freeze and are too fragile to ship, both detriments in today’s world, but mainly because of Salmonella. Most people associated the name with the uncooked version used to top cream pies. Let me be clear. The following recipes are all cooked and perfectly safe. Actually meringue topping can be quite safe too if baked until the top is golden. Each year, I make a pumpkin meringue pie, but I place it in a 500 deg. oven for 5 brown the top and cook the eggs, then let it cool to set.

Winton’s Meringue Powder, mainly sold in craft stores like A .C. Moore, is an alternative to using raw eggs and can be eaten in an uncooked topping. However, I prefer made-from-scratch meringue. It’s lighter in texture and appearance, easier to prep, and since recipes, other than topping, require cooking, no more time-consuming.

Meringues are baked in a low, 250 deg. oven for a couple of hours, until a hard shell forms. It’s the shell that allows meringues to hold a shape and makes them so versatile. Piped into rosettes, shaped into swans, simply spooned onto a baking sheet, they are wonderful small treats. Shaped into pie shells, cake layers, parfait cups and even bird’s nests, meringues can turn other ingredients into elegant dessert presentations.

Better yet, meringues are fat- free, so they’re low in cholesterol as well as in calories and gluten free. With fruit they’re the perfect healthy dessert and by replacing batter or dough, remove some of the guilt from ice cream and custard fillings. Best of all, they are truly simple to make needing only a bowl and a beater. Once in the oven they demand to be left alone until done. That sounds more like a modern approach to cooking than an antiquated item to me. 

Meringues are perfect all year long. They appear frosty giving them a seasonal appeal in cold weather and a have cooling icy appeal when it’s warm. I’ve modified these recipes to adapt them to the coming fall and winter holidays to start you thinking ahead and save you work.


Basic French Meringues: Yield about 25 small or 12 large–recipe doubles or triples easily
IMPORTANT The only thing to beware of is that egg whites will not beat if there is even a trace of any other substance, including water but especially egg yolk, on the beaters or in the bowl.
TIP: egg whites beat better at room temperature.
Cookie Sheet and Waxed Paper:
2 egg whites
½ cup sugar
2 drops cider vinegar
½ tsp. flavoring**
Cover the cookie sheet with the waxed paper . Carefully separate the eggs, putting the whites in a clean, dry bowl. It might be wise to break them separately, over another bowl, then transfer each white into the beating bowl. That way, if there’s a bit of yoke in the last white, you don’t have to start over. With clean, dry beaters, beat the eggs until they form soft peaks, @ 1 ½ – 2 min. Still beating, add the vinegar, gradually pour in the sugar, and continue beating until glossy peaks form when you lift the beaters. Add the flavoring, beat to mix.
Preheat the oven to 250 degrees. Drop the meringue batter on the covered cookie sheet by the teaspoon or soupspoon depending on desired size, forming little mounds about 2 inches apart; cook 1 hour. While still slightly warm, remove the meringues from the paper, and allow to cool on a rack.
** Vanilla is usual if used with other ingredients. I like Maple to serve as individual treats. It’s also great in autumn to give a seasonal presentation and taste.


Milano Style Cookies

Place the batter on the paper lined sheet with teaspoons or tablespoons maintaining the egg shape of the spoon. Bake as directed in the master recipe. When cool, spread jam or icing of choice on the flat side of half the meringues and cover with the remaining halves.

Fruit Parfaits

Mound the meringue in high piles on the cookie sheet and make deep wells in the center of each with the back of a spoon. Bake as directed in the master recipe and before serving fill the wells with fresh fruit, pie filling and/or custard. For extra stability try the recipe below for nests.

Meringue Rounds:

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Use plates to draw templates on waxed paper. The rounds can be layered like cake separated by different fillings. Cook as for meringues in the recipe above.

Angel Nests:

Add 1 Tbs. flour and 1 Tbs. cornstarch to just 3 egg whites per cup of sugar. Shape them on a template, using the back of a fork to raise the sides into nests. Bake at 250 degrees for 60 min. Leave in oven for 30 min. Cool on a wire rack. Store in a dry place until ready to use, up to a week. Fill centers with fresh fruit and serve with whipped cream, or topping, on the side. These can also be made in individual portions, and are most attractive. Judging by the timing to cook basic meringues, I don’t think there would be much adjustment to the directions either. Something you might want to try.

Meringue Pie Shells

Follow the directions for the Angel Nests above. Line 3 pie tins with waxed paper and bake as directed. Reducing the recipe by 1/3 if only one shell is needed. Fill with custard, fruit or mousse. If made ahead and stored, best to return cooled meringue to the pan to prevent breaking.

Meringue topping

Beat 2 egg whites until soft peaks form; add a drop of cider vinegar and continue beating gradually adding ¼ cup sugar until stiff, glossy peaks form. Casually spread the meringue over the top of the cooled pie and place in a 300 deg. oven for 20 min. until the top browns slightly.

SEASONAL FILLINGS for Fall and Winter Events
1.For Nest, Tortes, Pies and Shells
Pumpkin custard, Pistachio pudding, raw strawberries, Peeled and cored pear halves or apple slices or cubes, microwaved   3-5 min. until crisp tender with a bit of water, cinnamon and sugar, homemade cranberry sauce recipes with reduced liquid amounts.   The fruit filings can benefit from the addition of raisins and/or nuts.
NOTE: For a delicious filling for all fall and winter holidays, see the Cranberry-Pear Compote recipe by clicking on this link November 29, 2018.
2. For Milano Cookies
Substitute melted butterscotch chips for the chocolate centers OR add a pinch of cinnamon to the chocolate

DECORATING and FLAVORING TIPS-To be added while mixing or before baking

1.Maple flavoring is always good with pumpkin, apple and pear.
2. Peppermint flavoring can be used with the plain or Milano type-chocolate cookies. Melted butterscotch chips are a good alternative filling.
3. Food coloring can give special effects, but be sparing.  This batter is like a white page. A drop on a knife swirled through the batter gives a pretty marble effect.
4. Colored decorating sugar is probably the most effective decoration, Cinnamon is good for Thanksgiving.
5. Finely chopped nuts, and flavor chips add flavor, texture and interest. For chocolate or butterscotch chips add ½ cup mini chips. For nuts add ¼ cup. Generally, for dried fruits the recipe and baking directions change, so it’s best to Google your specific choice.

The Following are seasonal renditions of traditional desserts. For the original recipes see the post for May16, 2019.

Fruit Melba: Per portion
1 large scoop ice cream-vanilla is customary but utter pecan is an option with apples.
2 meringues-see recipe above*
1 pear half or apple half microwave prepared as instructed above.
3 Tb. warmed whole berry cranberry sauce and/or ‘Wet Nuts’ jarred sundae topping
Place the fruit in the bottom of a dessert dish, top with ice cream. Press a meringue into each side of the ice cream scoop and pour the sauce over

Fruit Gateau: Serves 6
3 ½ cups mixed berries or diced, skinned soft fruit-if using large strawberries chop to size—omit if using my ice cream recipe below.
3 cups ice cream- flavor optional–Suggestion-My Cranberry, Orange Walnut Ice Cream-Recipe below*
2 Tbs. powdered sugar—also omit if using my ice cream recipe
4 oz. meringues = 1 per cup of other ingredients or 6 here
Dampen a 2 lb. loaf pan and line it with waxed paper. Put the fruit in a bowl with the sugar and toss until it begins to break up but don’t let it get mushy. Put the ice cream in another bowl and break it up with a fork. Add the broken meringues and the fruit. Fold the ingredients together until lightly marbled. Pack the mixture into the prepared pan and press down lightly to level. Cover and freeze overnight. To serve, invert on a plate, remove wrap and slice.
* Cranberry Orange Walnut Ice Cream: Serves 6- quick and easy to make.
2 cups cranberries
¾ cup sugar
1 orange –quartered, seeds removed
½ cup chopped, toasted walnuts
1 pint vanilla ice cream- softened
Coarsely chop berries and orange, with rind. Stir in sugar and blend fruit mix, making sure the orange rind is pulverized, add walnuts and stir into softened ice cream. Pour into a mold and freeze until firm. Unmold and serve garnished with cranberries and walnuts. Or a couple of hours before serving fill a decorative freezer-proof bowl with individual scoops of ice cream and spoon them into dessert dishes at table
*This ice cream recipe is packed with fruit. I love it this way but some people, especially children, may prefer it if the quantity of vanilla ice cream is doubled in proportion to the fruit.
NOTE: Keeps as long as commercial ice cream in the freezer.

**NOTE: This dessert is delicious with an interesting texture. However, it’s difficult to slice. I think I’ll make it in individual molds from now on, perhaps even use muffin cups

 Fruit Torte: Serves 6
(3) 9 inch meringue rounds-see directions above
2 lbs. apples or pears peeled, cored, sliced and microwaved as described above
4 Tbs. raisins or craisins-microwaved with the fruit
(1) 8oz. tub whipped topping
(1) 8 oz. brick cream cheese
½ tsp. cinnamon for apples
¼ tsp. ginger for pears
Maple flavoring –to taste
1 Tbs. toasted, chopped pecans or walnuts –for garnish
Beat the topping and cheese together, with maple flavoring if using, until smooth. Reserve 3 Tbs. and spread the rest equally across the tops of 2 rounds. Combine fruit(s) of choice and arrange half evenly on one cheese covered round. Place the other cheese covered round, cheese side up on top, and arrange the rest of the fruit over. Smear the reserved cheese in a circle on one side of the 3rd. round and place on the other 2-cheese side up. Garnish with nuts scattered over the smeared cheese.


I believe cooking is a great tool for bonding, especially with children and have written books on the subject: The Lilly Likes to Cook series and Can I help? However it’s also a wonderful way to bring a family together for the same reasons. It provides a shared project, with quick and enjoyable rewards. 

Moreover, cooking together can be valuable experience in other ways for both children and adults. Familiarity with the kitchen, cooking procedures and awareness of one’s abilities is a safety measure. It also provides a basic knowledge for young people to build on when they go out on their own, prepares adults to pinch-hit should the need arise, and, hopefully, inspires others to offer to help on a regular basis.

However, anticipation is your drawing card. To get support, you have to start with a fun meal, a meal everyone likes and can look forward to eating. I’ve given 7 recipes below from my book Dinners With Joy. All are casual, fun type meals for 4 servings, but with ingredient amounts easily adjusted to your requirements. One or more should appeal to your family and hopefully start a new family tradition.


Spaghetti: This is a Tuscan recipe, simpler, quicker and healthier than most. Sauce freezes very well, so make extra to have on hand-reheat in microwave
1 lb. ground sausage-or a ½ lb. sausage mixed with
½ lb. ground beef or ground turkey
(1) 28 oz. can crushed tomatoes

2 Tbs. oil

2 small carrots peeled and sliced thin (1/8 to 1/16 inch)*

½ cup raisins

2 tsp garlic powder – or to taste

1 Tbs. dried oregano

1 Tsp. dried basil

1 tsp pepper and salt to taste
¼ tsp. crushed red pepper, or to taste-optional

1 lb. spaghetti or angel hair pasta.

Grated Parmesan

In a large stockpot, over medium heat, brown the meat, when all pink in gone, drain fat if necessary and add all the other ingredients, but the pasta, Simmer about 40 min. until the sauce reduces a bit and the carrots are very tender. Cook the pasta in a separate pot just to al dente. Drain and put in the pot with the sauce, toss briefly, THEN turn the contents out into a serving bowl. Pass the Parmesan.

Suggested sides; The traditional of course! A tossed or plain green salad, with a vinaigrette dressing, and a loaf of bread – plain, buttered or garlic.
*NOTE: Use a mandolin or grater if concerned about knife skills

Party Taco Pie: This recipe is for 8 servings, just as it was given to me, as a dish to be served at casual buffets. It can be halved, but it became such a favorite for second helpings and leftovers that I never modified it.
1 lb. ground beef

1 cup chopped onion

1 envelope Taco seasoning mix

Salt and pepper to taste

(1) 4 oz. can green chilies drained

2 cups milk

4 eggs

1 cup self-rising flour—Bisquick or Jiffy

¼ tsp. baking powder

2 tomatoes peeled and sliced

1 cup Sharp cheese shredded 

Sour cream

Chopped lettuce

Chopped onion

Cooking spray

Spray skillet, and sauté beef and onions until brown and soft. Stir in seasonings, and spread on the bottom of a greased 9 inch, deep casserole. Top with chilies. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Beat together milk and eggs in a bowl. Still beating, add flour and baking powder, and continue until smooth. Pour over contents of the casserole, and bake for 25 min .Spread tomatoes, then cheese over the top, and bake for 8-10 min more, until cheese bubbles. Allow to cool for a few minutes before serving to set. Cut into wedges and top with sour cream, lettuce, and onion.
No other sides are needed.

Classic Fajitas:
2 cooked, boneless, skinless chicken breasts OR 12 oz. beef for stir fry (see chart) cut in 

   2 inch strips     

1 red bell pepper julienne

1 green bell pepper julienne

2 medium onions halved and sliced thin

3 Tbs. cooking oil

1tsp coriander

1tsp cumin

Salt and pepper 

(8) 8” flour tortillas

(1) 8 oz. jar salsa

(1) 8 oz. container guacamole

1 cup sour cream

(1) 8 oz. pkg. “Mexican 4 Cheese Blend” – or shredded “Monterey Jack”              

Heat oil in a large skillet over high heat. Add onions peppers and spices, and chicken if using raw. Cook about 8 min. until the vegetables are crisp tender. If using beef, cook vegetables about 4 min and add beef the last 4 min, so that it browns but stays tender. If using cooked chicken add last 2 heat.

Meanwhile, cover tortillas with a dish towel, place on a plate and warm in the microwave on high at least 1min—test to make sure they’re warmed through.
Place the toppings – salsa, guacamole, sour cream and cheese on the dining table. Add the warm tortillas, and bring the sizzling meat mixture to the table in the skillet—making sure that it’s on a board or trivet—and let everyone dig in.

To eat a fajita—Lay a tortilla flat on your plate, and spoon the meat mixture in a line across the center of the tortilla parallel to you, leaving a 2inch margin on each end. The julienne cuts make this easy. Put on the toppings of your choice—I like them all—and fold those short sides over the filling squaring them off. Then roll the first long side, the one near you, over the filling, then roll the whole thing over on the other side to make a compact  bundle—–and enjoy ! ! !
Sides aren’t necessary tonight, but a salad of greens  is nice.

Tortilla Strata Burger: A healthy, fun burger for the family to share but if serving 4 for dinner, the recipe should be doubled; however, the 1 jar of Salsa will suffice. Remember in choosing it that cooking intensifies peppers’ heat.

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8 oz. hamburger

¼ tsp ground cumin

(1) 16 oz. jar garden style salsa – level of spiciness optional – you’ll use a little over half

(6) 6 inch whole wheat tortillas

½ cup sour cream

(1) 15 ½ oz. can black beans rinsed and well drained

(1) 4oz can green chilies

2 Tbs. chopped fresh cilantro

8oz shredded Monterey Jack cheese

Non stick cooking spray

Brown the beef in a skillet coated with non-stick spray, allow to cool, and mix with the cumin. Spread 2 Tbs. of the salsa in the bottom of the casserole. Top with a tortilla then begin the layering with 2 Tbs. of salsa, 1/6th of the sour cream, then 1/6th each of the beans, beef, peppers, cilantro and cheese. Top with a tortilla and repeat the layering again starting with the salsa and ending with the cheese until all the ingredients are used, pressing down gently on each tortilla to keep the stack level. End with a tortilla.** Can be made a day ahead at this point, cover and refrigerate, then allow to warn a bit before baking. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and bake for 15-20 min., until cheese melts and salsa bubbles. Creamy coleslaw from the Deli goes well with this

*This dish is more attractive if it can be seen through a clear container

** This does tend to lean a bit. One way to keep it straight is to put a bamboo skewer down through the center before baking. I make the skewer into a decoration by putting a cherry tomato on it before serving.
Sides aren’t necessary but a salad is welcome

Cheese Fondue: A family recipe of Swiss friends which is truly amazing in how quickly dinner is ready with little fuss. It’s easy, foolproof and tasty. If you have to use a stove, lift the saucepan regularly to prevent clumping and a candle to keep the food warm at table.
2 lbs. grated Swiss cheese – or very thinly sliced and cut in small pieces – rind removed

6 Tbs. flour

1 garlic clove cut in half

4 cups dry white wine

6 Tbs. brandy

Dash salt

Ground nutmeg

Ground black pepper

Toss cheese and flour to coat well. Rub the inside of the pot with the garlic. Over low heat, cook the wine until bubbles rise to the surface. Add the cheese, a few spoonfuls at a time, stirring constantly. Continue stirring until the cheese is melted, the mixture is smooth and begins to bubble. Add the brandy, nutmeg and pepper. Reduce heat until there is just enough to keep the fondue hot, without burning the bottom. It sounds far more difficult than it is, and made at the table, everyone can watch. 

Serve with a variety of dippers – – Pieces of crusty bread,( just be sure the bread has the density to hold up to the sauce, otherwise it will be soggy, or break off and stay on the pot) or cubes of cooked meat –chicken,  ham, cooked hot dogs, or vegetables – cherry tomatoes, broccoli or cauliflower flowerets, baby carrots, pieces of bell pepper, scallions, celery even fruits – or fruits, apple, pear, fresh pineapple or grapes and on and on and on.
Again a salad can be added, but unnecessary if vegetables are included in the dippers.

½ lb. cooked ham – sliced

½ lb. cooked White meat turkey – sliced

½ lb. Swiss cheese- sliced

1 loaf (preferably bakery) unsliced whole wheat or 7 grain sandwich bread


Dijon or spicy Brown mustard

3 eggs

1 cup – possibly more – milk

4 Tbs. butter – at least

Get the ham, turkey and cheese from the Deli, and request the slices be no less than 1/16 inch thick. Use artisan bread, French or Italian rather than a commercial packaged loaf. They have more flavor and a coarser, more country texture that works well here because it stands up better in the preparation.

Divide the cheese and meats into 4 piles each. Mix the eggs and milk. Cut 8 slices of bread. This is one recipe where I like the bread sliced rather thick at least ½ an inch. Lightly toast the bread and spread one side of 4 slices with mayonnaise, and one side of the other 4 with mustard. Divide the cheese for each sandwich into 3 piles. Put 1/3 on the mustard covered bread slice, top with ham, then 1/3 cheese, then the turkey, then the last 1/3 cheese, and top with the mayonnaise spread bread slice. The reasoning here is that the cheese in melts and holds the sandwich together. Melt 1 Tbs. butter in a skillet, if you have one that holds 2 sandwiches good, melt 2 Tbs. of butter. Dip both sides of a sandwich in the egg mixture and gently fry in the butter, first one side and then the other, until both are brown and crispy, and the cheese has melted. Repeat with the rest of the sandwiches. Serve hot. 

*I like Italian Tomato soup with this. Per servings; mix 8oz canned tomato sauce, 1 tsp olive oil, ½ cup water, ½ envelope. beef bouillon granules, pinches of dried oregano, basil and powdered garlic. Serve very hot in mugs or bowls.

Frittata: The perfect solution for all those who find omelet’s a challenge, and the fun part is that it needn’t ever be the same twice, because its flavor depends on the ingredients and/or toppings and/or herbs, and they are whatever one wants, has at hand, fresh or leftover, meat and/or vegetable. Frittatas are also forgiving. If one sticks and won’t slide onto a plate, slice it in wedges and serve it in the
4 large eggs

2 Tbs. oil

½ tsp baking soda

¼ cup milk or water, or milk + water to equal this amount

¼ tsp salt

¼ tsp curry powder

¼ tsp paprika

Ground pepper to taste

2 cups vegetables – cut to ½ inch size or thin slice *

½ tsp garlic powder optional

Optional toppings- for example ¼ cup grated cheese or tomato sauce. 

In a bowl, lightly beat the eggs, with all other ingredients except the oil and the vegetables. Heat the oil in a 12 inch skillet over medium.  Pre-heat the broiler. Sauté the vegetables, or if cooked, turn them over in the oil to coat and warm. Reduce the burner heat to medium-low and pour in the eggs. Cook, gently pulling the eggs away from the sides of the pan, and tilting it to allow the uncooked portion to run into the spaces, until the eggs are fairly set, but still quiver in the center. Put the pan under the broiler, until the top begins to tan and all the eggs are cooked. Add the cheese, if using, before broiling and pass the sauce, warmed, at table. Be careful not to put the handle of the skillet in the oven, unless it is metal. Slide the frittata onto a plate to serve.
*If not using leftovers, substitute an equal amount of cooked fresh or frozen vegetables. Broccoli and green beans can be parboiled. Others, such as a zucchini and onion combination should be sliced thin and sautéed in 1 Tsp. additional oil first, then, proceed with the frittata directions.

Suggested sides: 1)Core and cut in large pieces enough fresh tomatoes to allow a cup per portion. Allow them to marinate at least 30 min. in 2 Tbs. Olive oil, 2 tsp. garlic powder, 1 Tbs. dried basil and salt to taste.

2)Bread, rolls or a package of muffin mix, made as directed, with perhaps ¼ cup raisins or other dried fruit incorporated. Pour the batter into a greased 9×3 inch pan, or one of equal capacity, top with 1 Tbs. sugar and a sprinkling of cinnamon. Bake as directed, usually 15 to 18 min.


There are two Falls. There’s the seasonal one when the leaves turn color and the air becomes increasingly brisk. Then there’s the calendar one that that arrives like a sledgehammer Labor Day week, expecting us to change our wardrobe, lifestyle and attitude in 72 hours. The weather can be just as warm and sunny but on Monday it beckons us to come out and enjoy it and by Wednesday it simply makes the commute easier. 

Classes have begun, winter work agendas are implanted and we’re busy arranging our schedules to accommodate committee meetings and organization events. Dinner is no longer a casual summer get-together but once again a problem to plan and fit into everyone’s schedule.

Each year I’ve written an article on Back-to-School Dinners, recommending recipes which were easy to prep, quick to cook and could be served in shifts, if necessary. However, this year is different. More people are working from home, and more people are cooking, used to having family members around and hopefully helping.

So I’m giving 3 sets of 3 recipes eachAll serve 4 and 7 are from my book Dinners With Joy. The First is 1-pot meals, ready in 30 min. including prep, which anyone can do. The Second is also of easy prep and quick cook recipes, but they can be made a day or two ahead and served in shifts. The Third is 3 recipes, again easy prep, but made in advance, perhaps in spare time over a weekend, and fast cooking without thawing, frozen for that night when you truly don’t know “What’s for dinner?”



Tortellini all Panna                                                                          

1½ lb. dried Tortellini or 1 lb. fresh – cheese stuffing

(1) 10.5 oz. can chicken broth, or 1 envelope bouillon and 2 cups water

½ lb. cooked ham – in ½ inch dice from the Deli in (2) ¼ lbs. slices OR Turley Ham or Smoked Turkey

(1) 10oz. box frozen peas

1 Tbs. butter

1 cup heavy cream – light can be used

Grated Parmesan

Cook the Tortellini in the broth- -8 min. for the dried, 5 min for the fresh. Meanwhile,    heat the ham and peas with the butter, over medium heat in the skillet.  Drain the Tortellini and add them to the skillet along with the cream. Continue cooking over low heat, gently stirring until the pasta absorbs all the cream. Serve at once, lightly sprinkled with the Parmesan.

NEW New England Boiled Dinner
1 lb. to 1 1/2lb. ham in 4 slices –packaged round bone slices are fine
(2) 1 lb. bags frozen French cut green beans
(2) 15 oz. cans small, while white potatoes- drained
(1) 10 ½ oz. can beef consommé
(1) 14 oz. can chicken broth
2 Tbs. butter
Make small snips around the edges of the meat to prevent curling. Sauté in the butter until slightly browned. Remove from heat, add the potatoes and top with the beans. Pour the liquid over and bring to a boil, then reduce heat, cover and cook for about 30 min. Make sure beans are very tender.

Chicken Pizza

(1) 16 inch pizza shell, I like the ones prepared and sold in envelopes rather than the frozen*

2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts cooked and cut in ¾ inch pieces or 1 cup cooked chicken diced

½ cup Riciato** OR equal amount green salsa, or pesto

 ½   cup sour cream

1 large broccoli crown separated and blanched OR (1) 10 oz. bag frozen broccoli cuts thawed and drained

1 small onion, halved and sliced thin

1 small green bell pepper in ¾ inch pieces

2 tsp. oil

1/8 tsp. lemon pepper 

6 sun dried tomatoes, either in oil or reconstituted in the microwave, drained and in large dice (optional)

4 oz. can mushroom stems and pieces –or sliced black olives(optional)

4 oz. Monterey Jack cheese grated – Or optionally Pepper Jack

Preheat the oven to 410 deg. or temperature recommended on the pizza shell. Also check time of cooking. Microwave the onion and bell pepper with the oil and Lemon Pepper 2 min. Spread the sour cream over the pizza shell, then spread the Riciato sauce, pesto or salsa verde over that. Evenly scatter the toppings over the sauces, including the oil and seasonings with the onion and pepper. End with the cheese. Bake at 410 degrees for 15 min., or as pizza shell package directs.

* (2) 12 inch flour tortillas can be substituted for the pizza shell-brush one side of each with water and press together.

(For anyone on a low carbohydrate diet)  

** Riciato is a mild, flavorful sauce made from cilantro (found in most markets). If you want a spicier pizza use the salsa Verde in the level of your choice or sprinkle a dash of red pepper over sauces. 

Group II

Stuffed Zucchini

1 lb. ground beef

4 large zucchini

¼ tsp lemon pepper

(3) 8oz cans tomato sauce

1 Tbs. garlic powder- or to taste

2 Tbs. oil

2 tsp. dried oregano

2 tsp. dried basil

 ½ cup grated Parmesan cheese + to pass

Split zucchini lengthwise, and scoop out only the seeds with a spoon.  Mix beef and lemon pepper. Fill zucchinis with the beef, pressing it in and mounding it on top. Sprinkle with about ½ cup of the cheese, equally divided. Place in an ovenproof pan with ¼ to ½ inch of water on the bottom (a bath).  Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven about 30 min or until meat begins to brown. Plate separately and serve.

Meanwhile, heat the tomato sauce in a saucepan; add all the other ingredients except cheese. Allow to simmer while the meat cooks. Spoon some over the zucchini boats on the plates, or simply pass it and the cheese on the side.

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Fish Rings
These freeze well using fresh fish, and can be cooked frozen, simply add 6 to 8 mins. more cooking time. Otherwise, just use frozen filets, thawed.

4 large firm white fish fillets- Flounder or Tilapia– divided in half lengthwise

(2)10oz boxes of frozen chopped spinach – thawed and drained – 

2 eggs

2 envelopes chicken bouillon granules OR

2envelopes beef bouillon granules

Ground nutmeg

2 tsp butter

1 lemon quartered


In a bowl, mix the bouillon packets and the eggs with the spinach making sure they’re well combined. Divide the mixture into 8 portions, and roll a strip of flounder around each, tail end over the thicker one, leaving enough overlap to secure with a toothpick.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees, and melt the butter in an ovenproof dish large enough to hold the fish rolls comfortably. You may need a spatula to transfer the rolls to the dish, but be sure they are upright and the sides are straight. Sprinkle the tops with nutmeg, and bake @ 20-25 min. until fish is very white and opaque, and eggs bubble out of the top making a white foamy sauce. Serve at once with pan juices. Garnish with lemon wedges.

If Using Fresh Fish-To Freeze-Prepare up to point of baking. .Cover as directed and freeze for up to 2 weeks. Uncover and bake as directed above, adding 6-8 min to cooking time or until eggs bubble and form a sauce-like topping.

Glamorous Ham Casserole                                                                                       2 cups cooked rice – suggest packaged pre-cooked product, Uncle Ben’s or Zataran’s
2 cups cooked ham in ½ inch dice. About ¾ lb. OR 3 thick slices from the Deli. Smoked Turkey or Turkey Ham will do as well

2 eggs beaten

2 plum or small tomatoes in large dice

1/3 cup green bell pepper diced

¼ cup diced onion

1 ½ tsp Dijon or Spicy Brown mustard

1 ½ tsp Worcestershire sauce

½ cup cream sherry

½ cup light cream

½ cup bread crumbs

2 Tbs. melted butter

Paprika and parsley to garnish

The pre-cooked rice packets only take a couple of minutes in the microwave-if you are using leftover rice, or making your own, do not use the minute type.

Combine all ingredients, except last three, in a lightly greased 2 qt. casserole. Stir to mix well. Combine butter and bread crumbs, sprinkle over top. Decorate with parsley and paprika. Bake 350 degrees for 45 min or until nicely browned and bubbly.

Group III

Mediterranean  Fish

This is my play on a classic fish dish. Any firm fish, which can be rendered skinless, works as well. I often use frozen Flounder, Tilapia or Salmon fillets. 

4 boneless, skinless fillets of a firm fish @ 1 ½ – 2 lbs. preferably thawed, but can be left frozen.

(1) 26oz can diced tomatoes – divided with ½ reserved
(2) 10 oz. boxes frozen chopped spinach or 1 bag fresh spinach leaves

½ tsp lemon pepper 

2 Tbs. oil


Place the oil in a pan large enough to hold the fish. If using frozen spinach, thaw and squeeze out excess water, then spread out in the pan. If using fresh baby spinach leaves, wash by running under warm water in a strainer, shake well and spread out on 4 plates. Place the tomatoes either on the spinach or in the pan and top with the fillets, evenly placed, then the oil. Sprinkle with lemon pepper and paprika. Bake at 350 deg. about 25 min. or until fish flakes easily. Remove fish with a spatula, if serving fresh spinach, allow the tomatoes to wilt the spinach as plating. Spoon excess tomatoes around the fish.

Pork Chops Basil*

 (8)  ½ inch thick center pork chops well-trimmed

½ cup flour

1 Tbs. garlic powder

2 Tbs. dried basil

½ a small can frozen orange juice concentrate

Water to dilute juice

¼ cup cream sherry or Madera

Sprinkle half the garlic powder and half the basil in the bottom of an oven proof dish or pan that will hold the chops closely but not overlapping. Dredge the chops in the flour, by shaking in a plastic bag, one at a time, making sure they’re well coated. Place in pan, and sprinkle the rest of the garlic and basil over them. Cover and seal the pan with foil. Bake, preferably at 250 degrees for 2 hours, but acceptable at 350 degrees for 3/4  hour. Remove from oven, turn on broiler, and avoiding steam, lift foil. Dilute orange juice with the wine and just enough water to come almost to the top level of the chops in the pan, and pour over the chops. Broil until chops brown and the sauce thickens.

Lemon-Honey Chicken Breasts*
4 boneless chicken breasts-with skin-the skin doesn’t add calories and traps the marinade for flavoring.
½ cup fresh lemon juice or equal amount of concentrate
¼ cup honey
3 Tbs. fresh minced thyme or 1 ½ Tbs. dried
Rinse the breasts well and pat dry. Place them in a pan or freezer safe container large enough to hold them flat without overlapping. Mix the other 3 ingredients and swab the chicken, making sure to get up under the skin. Allow to set for 30 min. swab again. If freezing, place plastic wrap directly over the meat, cover the container and freeze for up to 2 months. Store the extra marinade in a small jar in the refrigerator. Roast the chicken at 425 deg. for 30-40 min. until thermometer reads 165 deg. or juices run clear, frequently basting with the reserved marinade.

*NOTE: A suggestion for delicious, complimentary sides for these 2 entrees, which can be ready when they are, would be microwave baked sweet potatoes and a frozen green vegetable such as broccoli flowerets, green beans or asparagus.


On Sept. 3, 2015, I wrote about participating in a charity auction box dinner. The only rules for my contribution were that a dessert be included, need for utensils be minimal and that the choice of dishes easily consumed. I chose oven fried, Garlic Dusted Chicken, Chili-Lime Sweet Potato Salad, Balsamic Marinated Green Beans and Peach-Plum Pie. Back then I was able to include a tossed green salad for a total cost of under $12.00 or to be precise for $11.65.

Although I don’t usually post full menus, I decided to write about this dinner as an exercise keeping costs down while organizing a full, company acceptable meal in September 2015. Four years later I re-created the dinner to study price changes. On Sept. 1, 2019 I reported that I could bring in the meal for under $16.00, actually $15.15, if I omitted the salad.

Only two years have passed but I thought it would be interesting to duplicate this meal again and learn today’s cost, especially in view of the pandemic’s financial repercussions. Again by omitting the original salad, I could duplicate the dinner for $18.90. That’s a steady price increase of, roughly, $1.35 per year, indifferent to any economic problems caused by Covid. It proves the validity of the forecasted 5%-7% increase in prices for the foreseeable future, independent of our national economic situation. The explanation is provided in the footnote below. *

I include the recipes and the accountings from each of the three years in this post, please note the resources are the same. For the consumers this forecast means that either income keeps pace with the prices or changes are needed in shopping practices to maintain nutritional standards. Most people find food shopping time consuming and stressful even without financial boundaries. This prediction will ramp up the anxiety each year. 

As a personal chef service owner, I deal with shopping for multiple meals on a daily basis and have developed a system to save time, stress and money, without clipping coupons, chasing sales or changing markets. I simply didn’t have time for that. The system worked so well, I applied it to my personal food shopping, then shared it with friends who were equally pleased with the results. I’m currently turning my system into a course but meanwhile check out the summary here:  January 14, 2021.


2015-Sources Redner’s Supermarkets, Local Farmer’s Market
Chicken @ $0.98 lb. family pack 3lb or more was $4.22 -10 thighs in pack=$0.42 each= $1.68
Chicken @ $1.18 lb.- 6 drums $2.89
Fresh green beans $1.00
Lettuce – 1 head iceberg $1.28
3 Sweet potatoes @ $1.08 lb. . $2.36
Peaches and Plums @ $0.68 lb. 6 items, 3 each $2.44
TOTAL——————- $11.65                                      

2019-Sources Aldi’s Market, Local Farmer’s Market
Chicken @$0 .88 –family pack-6.03lb. =$5.50
Green Beans $1.19 per fresh pack =$2.38
Sweet Potatoes @$0.78lb. -3lb. =$2.34
Peaches &Plums @$0.98lb.-3.5lb=$3.43     
2 limes@$0.25 each =$0.50
Cashew nuts-1 pkg.-$1.00

2021– Sources Aldi’s Markets. Local Farmer’s Market
Chicken @ $0.99-family pack-6.20 lb. = $6.40
Green Beans @$1.49 lb. 2 lb. =$2.98
Sweet Potatoes @0.78 lb. 3 lb. =$2.34
Peaches &Plums @$1.28 lb.-3.5 lb. =$4.48  
2 limes @ $0.50 each = $1.00
Cashew nuts-1 pkg. $1.00
Total—————— $18.20                                 

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Teriyaki Basted Garlic Dusted Chicken:
 Serves 6
6 chicken pieces, breast thighs, drums or one whole roasting chicken
About 1 Tbs. Teriyaki sauce per piece, or side of chicken, less for drums + 2 Tbs.
2 tsp. garlic powder –more if needed
½ envelope chicken bouillon
2 cups water – estimate
Salt for brining
Rinse and clean chicken well . Place in enough water to cover and add 2 Tbs. salt to make brine and soak for at least 15min. Rinse well. Lift skin from meat with a rounded utensil like a butter knife, and fill each pocket with Teriyaki Sauce. Place chicken pieces in an ovenproof pan, large enough to fit comfortably. Add 11/2 to 2 cups water to measure 11/2 inches in the pan. Sprinkle the bouillon on the water, add 1-2Tbs. Teriyaki sauce and sprinkle ½ tsp. of garlic powder on each of the pieces, more if needed for a good dusting. Best baked in a 350 degree oven for 1 hr., but can be done at 375 degrees for 45min. Maintain water level but do not baste. Serve with pan juices on the side or remove from pan and allow to come to room temperature, Optionally, strain and chill pan juice to make aspic to serve on the side.

Lemon Seasoned Fresh String Beans: Serves 6-8
(2) 1lb. pkgs. fresh whole green beans
2 tsp. olive oil
1 1/2tsp. chicken bouillon granules
2 Tbs. chopped lemon balm leaves
OR if fresh herbs aren’t available use vinaigrette recipe below
Cook beans as per package directions, drain and toss with oil, seasonings and herbs, if using . Serve warm or chilled.

Sweet Potato Salad with Lime: 6 servings (Substitutions noted)
2 lbs. sweet potatoes
1/3 cup fresh lime juice – (I used ¼ cup concentrated+ water to equal 1/3 cup.)
1 Tbs. minced fresh ginger – (I used a rounded ½ tsp. powdered)
1 jalapeno minced- (I used a few drops of hot sauce)
2Tbs. brown sugar
¼ cup oil
Salt to taste
1/3 cup toasted cashew pieces—OR wasabi coated peanuts roughly chopped – (omitted)
1 Tbs. lime zest – (omitted)
2 Tbs. chopped fresh mint
Cut the potatoes in half if necessary to fit in a single layer in a deep skillet with a lid. Add water to depth of ½ inch. Cover and simmer about 15 min. or until crisp tender—not mushy.—check by pricking them. Peel skins off while warm and cool. Blend the next 4 ingredients adding oil in a stream to make vinaigrette, season with salt to taste. Pour 1/3 of the vinaigrette in a shallow bowl. Diagonally slice potatoes in ½ inch rounds. Put into the serving bowl and drizzle with the rest of the vinaigrette. Toss gently with a spatula. Mix the last 3 ingredients to pass as a garnish. Will keep for 3 days covered and chilled. Toss gently again and bring to room temperature before serving. Do not make garnish ahead.

Peach-Plum Pie Serves: 8-10
For Filling-
1 ½ lbs. . fruit pitted, peeled if needed and sliced if needed, I used 3peaches and 3 plums
1 tsp. cinnamon (optional)
½ cup sugar
2 Tbs. cornstarch
1 tsp. butter
¼ cup dried fruit – (optional) plumped in ½ cup water in the microwave in high for 30 sec. and drained. (raisins or craisins)
When dough is ready, toss all the ingredients gently and fill pie shell.
For Crust- * (Option –purchase a refrigerated pie crust)
1¼ cups flour
¼ cup sugar
¼ tsp. cinnamon –optional
½ cup shortening – – this can be Crisco, butter or margarine
4 Tbs. ICE water
Place all the dry ingredients in a bowl and stir well. Using the blades of two knives, mix cut cubes of the shortening into the dry ingredients until clumps are the size of small peas, or use your fingers to blend the mix until it resembles gravel. Add ice water 3 Tbs. at first and then the 4th, if needed, turning constantly with your hands, until dough can form a ball. It should be as moist as modeling clay, but the less handling the flakier the crust. Chill wrapped in plastic, or simply put the bowl in the fridge while you do the rest. When ready, roll on a floured board to a
12” round, put the rolled crust into an 8 or 9 inch pie pan. Add filling. Trim edges from around pie pan leaving a 1 inch margin. Re-roll the trimmings cut in 1-2 inch wide strips to form a lattice top by placing alternately over the top. Crimp edges.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees, bake 10 min. then reduce heat to 350 degrees and continue baking until golden and bubbly.
*Option—To use a refrigerated pie crust, dust with powdered sugar and roll to 12” round. If rolling is not required, dust with 1 Tbs. powdered sugar and ¼ tsp. cinnamon before adding fruit

Tossed Green Salad-As included in the 2015 posting
About 2 lb. fresh greens-enough for 6 servings
Basic Vinaigrette
The fundamental ratio is 1 part vinegar to 3 parts oil, with salt and pepper to taste. Dissolve seasonings in vinegar. If making in a jar, add oil in 3 parts, shaking between. If using a blender or bowl add oil in a thin stream with machine running or constantly stirring.
Toss with lettuce in bite sized pieces*
ADD-1 cup fresh herb leaves and blossoms if available.—chives, oregano, any type basil, cilantro etc.
*Greens can be stored in water, chilled, for a few hours, then drained and tossed with dressing.


*The story is simple. When a very efficient exfoliant was developed during the Vietnam era, its commercial value was apparent but crops had to be created which were impervious. Prior to that time agricultural experimentation in the U.S. had been done in colleges and universities under federal grants, which made any results government property.  However, private labs became involved in this project, with greater funding and developed a ‘super’ soy bean seed.

In the early ‘80s history was made when the first U.S. patent for a living organism was issued, not for the seed, but for the process which created it. After that, the process could be freely applied to other plants, corn, wheat etc. Naturally, the holder of the patent controlled the seed and consequently controlled the price of the crop. Please note the greatest price changes in the above accountings.

Now this process, in some form, has been applied to the seeds of most produce plants making them GMOs.  Included is fodder for our livestock which takes the axiom from above one step further. The one who controls the feed crops controls the husbandry industry and, consequently, the prices on meat and dairy.

If you have any doubts about the global scope of the situation, the next time you’re in a supermarket, take note of the origins, especially of the produce and seafood items, fresh, frozen and canned. You’ll see many products are now farmed internationally according to climate, not limited to their country of origin and transported to markets worldwide. Also note that 99% of packaged items contain soy or corn products, unheard of 50 years ago, when soy was rarely used in the U.S. as other than a cover crop. It helps to explain the complete control international conglomerates have on our food supply and understand why prices are no longer influenced by the economy of any one country and that the reality that the situation can‘t or won’t be altered for many years, if ever. 


After the restrictions of the past year it’s great to be able to plan a vacation again and the hospitality industry is doing everything it can to make the experience a pleasant one. However, vacations, whether for three months, three weeks or three days, have always required packing articles to make the stay more enjoyable. Having lived through the Covid experience we’re also now aware of the need to include things which will keep us healthier and safe.

Moreover, we’re not totally clear of social distancing precautions, even if self-imposed. Many people, especially families will reserve places with kitchen facilities such as motel efficiencies, cabins and campgrounds. They won’t just depend on ‘maid service’ but insist on cleaning kitchens and food areas themselves.

This presents a dilemma especially for those who always put K.P. duty on hold during vacation. Fortunately, cars, if traveling by road, leave more leeway for luggage and dollar stores are everywhere, but there’s still the question of what, and in what quantities, actually needs to be packed.

Of course each person’s, or family’s, needs will differ according to their ages, number and destination but there are some general guidelines. As a veteran of decades facing this problem annually for accommodations which changed, as the family did over the years, from owning a house, to renting one to motel efficiencies for long weekends and then back to a house, I’ve had experience dealing with it. (Posts June 21,2018 & July 18,2019)

However, before I get into my outline for stocking a vacation kitchen, there are a few new facts for consideration due to the special circumstances of these past months. Unprepared tourists, those who haven’t thought ahead, can cause shortages in vacation towns and right now, there are items you definitely will need in stock. So it’s best to be well supplied.  The underlined things you will want to take, the others, buy as soon as you arrive. 

Hand sanitizers and wipes –and if longer than 3-4 days a bottle of alcohol and one of Clorox

 2 bath-sized bars of soap-one for kitchen, one for bath –to wash hands

1 bottle of dish detergent and a dish cloth in place of a sponge for dishes

Large roll of towels and a pack of paper napkins which, with Clorox or alcohol, work as wipes for surfaces

Disposable hot-cold cups-if longer than 3-4 days think disposable plastic glasses

Plastic place mats-easy to wipe down-skip tablecloths

Disposable plastic utensils

The lists below may seem long and excessive, but they are complete, designed to cover stays from 3 days to 3 monthsUse them as a general guide and check off the items, noting what you need for this trip. As for food staples, flour sugar etc. you may want to take small supplies you think you’ll need for a few days, but dollar stores do sell 1lb.packages of most and, though it’s more expensive per unit than the supermarket, it is a convenience.

Of course a prime concern in a DIY vacation situation is to have a breakfast plan for the first day! It does set a tone. Nothing fancy, a jar of instant coffee, plain envelopes of tea bags and sugar packets, a jar or envelope of non-dairy creamer or dry milk, even a can of evaporated milk, dried fruit or a can of pineapple rings and a shelf-stable pastry such as honey buns will do and gets the motor running. If only a short car trip is involved, fresh fruit is an option.

As stated, the other staple items, in quantity for a long stay or simply replacement ingredients for a short one, should be determined by individual need and useThe one I NEVER skimp on is salt. It’s the best extinguisher for a grease fire. In any rental situation, one place that may not have been totally cleaned is the oven, and who knows what a previous tenant cooked? Salt also inhibits mold and in a pinch can clean a greasy sink and drain.

Actually, I found the short stays harder than longer ones, especially with children. Efficiency kitchens in motel or hotel units are tiny with no storage space for food or cleaning supplies. Daily marketing was a must, and there was no room to prepare for contingencies like rain. To cope, I put a box in the trunk of the car holding a pot, paper plates, hot and cold cups, plastic utensils, knives, and a plastic cutting board—the bare essentials– so I could always heat soup or boil an egg. Of course, choice of utensils is determined by the length of the stay.

Regarding electrical appliances: Rule one is- never take anything valuable or irreplaceable. Coffee lovers can learn to accept old-fashioned percolator or for short term, instant. The only other things I found I really needed for a long stay were a hand beater and a mini-chopper. Before packing any electrical appliances, check the type of current at your destination. I always ask the rental agent what is included and if the major appliances are electric or gas.

Optional appliance choices– determined by your personal cooking habits.

Hand beater– Don’t forget these can be used with one head or two

Mini chopper-.These are also great to puree small amounts for dips or toppings or to whip up baby food

Coffee maker– Obvious choice and many places do provide one so check first

Toaster oven-Very useful for small meals and sandwiches, but check on available counter space first.

Small microwave- Actually an either/or with the above. Again check on space

Blender- an option to the chopper, but the better choice if you’re into smoothies

Note: A grill is always an asset. For longer stays, if there isn’t a grill, I bring a hibachi. If there is, I may still buy one once there, depending on the state of the grill. I’d rather start with a new hibachi than clean a dirty grill.

Hand Held Utensils: Several of these are handy for even the shortest of stays. The ones marked with * are easily found in dollar stores, if you don’t want to pack them.

Pot holders*- A necessity for any stay away from home. These are never provided in any rental kitchen and it can be hard handling hot coffee or warmed-up take-out with a bath towel.

  • Towels, both paper and dish*-A roll of paper ones can be used as napkins and are great for spills, but the micro-paper ones in 2 pack which are reusable and washable are good for dishes and can be tossed. Regular dish towels are plentiful in dollar stores.
  • Spoons-or at least 1-that stands heat.*-A few plastic ones are fine for a weekend, but metal ones, especially a regular and a slotted serving spoon are needed for longer.
  • Whisk, spatula, carving fork, tongs, salad set and other serving pieces*- Available in dollar stores and perhaps better to buy as/if needed and leave favorites at home.
  • Measuring cup- A large 1 can replace a nest of small ones and double as a mixing bowl.
  • Measuring spoons*- Dollar store
  • Sieve*- Dollar store, unless you need a fine tea strainer, then bring one. Get one large enough to strain pasta, even if in 2 batches.
  • Manual can opener– Always a good companion as is an old-fashioned Church Key opener, so pack them
  • Knives– A short paring knife to be used for small jobs and for longer stays another with a blade long enough to trim meat, slice bread or fillet fish is needed. For an extended stay there should be a carving knife as well.  Dollar Stores carry packs of 4 steel knives which can multi-task for short stays.*
  • Hand held knife sharpener-Because no knife is worthwhile if it can’t cut
  • Scissors-Not shears, but a pair with enough strength to do some kitchen work, yet pointed enough to be useful with mending.
  • Plastic chopping board-Protects counter tops and provides a clean surface for your food. Light and flat fits in the bottom of a suitcase.
  • Packets of plastic containers with lids*– found in supermarkets in 3paks- most can be microwaved. Often packs are also sold in dollar stores.
  • Small pan with lid-able to boil a couple of eggs, make a sauce or heat a can of soup–when traveling with children a must. For longer stays,2 are needed-a 2 qt. and a saucepan
  • 2 Skillets- One large, one small, both non-stick
  • Pans for the oven*- Roasting, baking, cookie sheets are all available in disposable.
  • Corkscrew*- Obviously useful
  • Mixing bowls*- Plastic ones can be used as molds, but ceramic or glass ones are oven-proof
  • Table ‘linins’*- Dollar store available
  • Table settings*-Check what’s provided, and fill in from a dollar store.
  • Seasonings*- Dollar stores carry a surprising variety of herbs and spices
  • Cleaning supplies and wraps*- Definitely depend on a dollar store
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No matter the cost or how well equipped the rental kitchen, chances are it will have none of the above items, yet all are useful in providing meals for a family. You don’t have to buy them all at once either. Wait until you need a utensil and then head for a dollar store. You may be surprised at the quality too. I had 2 expensive corkscrews which broke soon after I got them. Disgusted, I bought one of the same type from The Dollar Tree. 8 years later, it’s still working.

It may seem like a long list, but remember we’re talking dollar stores here. Compared to the cost of the rental, the labor and the vacation time saved, buying them is a small investment. Many can be packed up, ready for the next year, or if you like your accommodations, you can offer to leave them. Our landlord was so pleased, he insisted we come back the next year and even re-arranged his rentals when we opted for just one month and all those items were there waiting for us.

For a more relaxed vacation, just follow these tips and listen to your better judgment. Above all take time to stop, evaluate and plan before you go. You’ll be glad you did!!


The Lilly Likes to Cook books trace their roots back to when my daughters were young. Each reflects a specific experience in cooking with children but combining them in a series was inspired by the realization that kids start anticipating summer before the buds open and zoom into activity the second the school doors close. However, things change as programs end or become routine, then boredom sets in.

One year, when my younger daughter was in grade school, our swim club teams’ regional meets ended in July and empty Saturdays loomed ahead. The first one, I was baking a cake and found I had an audience, four boys and two girls begging to help. During the week, I was casually asked if I’d be baking again on Saturday, and ‘my crew’ showed up as if summoned that morning. So began, always seemingly impromptu, ‘Cake Saturdays’ . Flavor was never discussed but the pan options were vital, bunt, sheet, tube or layers and the choice of shape was a major topic in judging the finished product, which disappeared magically after the verdict.

The experience sowed the seeds for the Lilly Likes to Cook series because it taught me a lot about dealing with bored children. The casual and spontaneous plan is often better than the elaborate and expensive one. A distraction works best when it involves creating or perfecting something within a short time-frame, with a welcome reward at the end. Above all avoid repetition. Even if just baking cakes, make each a bit different to keep interest alive.

I also learned these tactics fostered bonding and enhanced friendships. The action and then the memory of having worked together to create something which gave a sense of mutual satisfaction to be shared and enjoyed, was incredibly unifying and enduring. And these ploys aren’t limited to the young. They work with people of all ages anywhere, anytime, even on vacations.

The ‘Cake Saturday’ diversion for boredom was a god-send and the increased bonding a bonus outcome, but over the years, I’ve had a lot more experience cooking with children and I‘ve come to understand that cooking is a natural project for both these purposes. It only requires equipment found in most homes. The time-frame is dictated by the choice of recipe, usually only a couple hours at most. The rewards are immediate, known, eagerly anticipated and easily shared–no arguments over custody of the finished product. Plus learning some kitchen skills always comes in handy.

A few years ago, actually two years in a row, a neighbor’s children asked my help with their Mother’s Day plans. I’ve detailed the episodes in No Stress Recipes for Mother’s Day and Can I help?. Working with those children reminded me of how fun and rewarding it is to watch kids interest and confidence grow as they realize there were tasks they can do and more difficult ones they could master. Seeing their pride and pleasure at the prepared dish is priceless. That’s when I started writing the Lilly Likes to Cook series.

Although there’s room for assistance in most recipes, choosing one to share with a child narrows the field and depends, above all, on the age and abilities of the child in question. It should be something liked, difficult enough to be interesting, but simple enough to fit in a limited time-frame. Desserts are popular choices because they fit these requirements, but also because they’re not pivotal to a menu. If the dish is a flop, it can be remade or replaced but, most importantly, desserts can be easily shared, giving a child the opportunity to show off a bit and receive praise.

However, children aren’t long satisfied with only making desserts, especially if it’s an ongoing partnership. They will want to move on to more important menu items and adult pleasing dishes, which fit the requirements, don’t always leap to mind.

My motives in writing the Lilly Likes to Cook series of books were first, my desire to help those coping with kids suffering from ‘the bored blaas’ due to weather, minor illnesses, or empty schedules. Second, I wanted to share what I have found to be an excellent method of getting children to bond both with each other and with adults. Third, I hoped to ease things by offering a selection of tested recipes suitable for the purpose.

I’ve put the recipes into loosely woven story lines which give the books continuity as well as illustrating possible presentations or functions for the finished dishes, so the selection of recipe can fit the situation. They also break down the preparation tasks giving detailed directions, according to age and experience, without being too obvious. The books are digital, available on Kindle and this web site for far less than a cup of coffee. (Book 1 is free onsite-Prices are slightly higher on Kindle)

Lilly is a girl of 8, living in a suburban town with her parents, sister 13 and brother 10, but she could be in a city, on a farm, anywhereI choose age 8 because 3rd grade is a break-out time. Schools introduce changing classrooms per subject and seasonal sports with regular teams. Social organizations like Scouts and 4-H are encouraged and hobbies are explored to discover special interests or talents.

I usually include Lilly’s sister in her undertakings which widens the age appeal. Her brother, though disinterested himself, has a best friend who is, which introduces a unisex attraction, so most bases are covered. I allow Lilly to develop cooking onto a hobby for the sake of creating a series and because that’s where my experience lies but the books are sold separately and the recipes can be selected according to specific need. They’re also sold in groups of 3, for kids who show an interest or adults who may need them more often.

Lilly first becomes interested in cooking watching her mother transform a cake disaster into a different, beautiful dessert. The creativity and the appearance intrigue her and she wants to make other pretty, tasty things. Then, gradually, she learns the dishes she cooks can serve other uses than filling her spare time. The things she makes can be used for gifts, rewards, fund raisers and more and the process can be shared with others forming friendships, helping out and simply brightening someone’s day. In short, a creative activity, whether it’s a time- filler or becomes a hobby, can teach a lot of life’s lessons.

Resume of the Lilly Likes to Cook books, recipes and utensils needed:

All quantities are in easily divided or multiplied amounts, including the meatball and sauce recipes which are stated as needed for a large event.

Book 1Making a Cake for Molly:

Lilly’s sister helps her make a cake for her doll’s birthday but it’s a disaster. Mother transforms the flop into a dessert which becomes a family ‘company’ favorite a molded ice cream cake–Spoons only. Recipe free on site.

Book 2) Cookies for an Uncle Overseas:

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Lilly makes cookies as a treat for an uncle in the military. Chocolate-Coconut Macaroons— Spoons, can opener, brief microwaving and baking $1.99

Book 3) Lilly Makes Meringues:

Lilly helps her sister make meringues from their mother’s recipe as an assignment for geography. Spoons, beaters, baking $1.99

Book 4The Meatball Booth:

Mother is in charge of the booth at the School Fair and needs all the help she can get to prepare the meatballs.  To Lilly’s surprise friend of her brother’s offers to help. Knives, spoons, processer and baking $1.99

Book 5) The Luncheon:

Lilly’s mother is busy at work, so Lilly offers to have luncheon ready, with her sister’s help, when their grandmother arrives. Tuscan Tuna-Bean Salad–Can opener and spoons $1.99

Book 6) Dinner for Two:

Lilly’s sister wants permission to begin babysitting. The girls are thrilled when their parents agree to allow them to make dinner and stay alone for an evening. Hot Dog Potato-Vegetable Hot Pot–Spoons, optional knife, baking $1.99

Book 7) Kabobs Are Fun and Easy:

Lilly’s parents are throwing a big cook-out for visiting relatives and everyone pitches in to help prepare Shrimp and Beef Vegetable Kabobs for the grill. Knives, skewers $2.99

Book 8) Girl Scouts Get a Zebra Cake:

Lilly makes a cake ahead, as a reward for her troop members after a day working on crafts to sell at the Town Fair for Charity. Craft directions included. Cake-butter knives; Craft-scissors, pins, rulers and chalk $3.99

Book 9)* Brian’s Birthday:

Lilly helps prepare her brother’s birthday dinner for Brian and his soccer team mates. Slow cooker pulled pork heroes plus a variation on the recipe in Book 1.-Spoons, forks, knife,
* To be available soon

Can I help?

This is a reprint of a posting from July 2018, but it’s even more pertinent today than it was then as is the book it’s about Can I help? After the past year, most people have a changed conception of ‘eating at home’ from menu planning, through shopping, prepping, cooking and serving to eating as a family.  Some will never want to see a kitchen again; a few will have discovered their ’inner chef’.  The majority should realize that having a few fundamental kitchen skills and basic recipes is a survival necessity.

I hope most people now understand cooking can be interesting, challenging and fun with terrific rewards, rewards greater than flavorful eating.  There’s the independence of not just being fed, but being able to provide treats on demand or eating any cuisine you wish when you wish. Best of all, cooking together is one of the best bonding tools, whether between adults and children, two adults or whole families learning to work together.

So if you’re heading to the kitchen and hear the question:  Can I help?  answer….

YES-If you’re old enough to ask the question. One of the nicest things about cooking is its adaptability to becoming a unifying group activity. When restaurant kitchen staffs are interviewed, the word ‘family’ pops up frequently in describing their work environment. So imagine what it can do to improve bonding in an actual family.

The modified recipes in Can I help? were originally devised to ease stress for those who cook with children in the kitchen, either on a regular basis or for special occasions, to include safe work for little hands. Then the book proved to be able to do much more. It’s a good guide for the novice or the pinch-hitter, under stress to produce an adult-pleasing meal in a strange environment. Also, it can act as a training manual to learn some survival skills for anyone starting, or planning to start out on their own or illustrate ways to simplify your favorite recipes for easier access.

Any adult cooking with children around knows that a kitchen in meal-prep mode is full of sharp objects and hot surfaces. Children are naturally interested, because they love to see something being made, especially when it involves all six senses. An interested child is a curious child and trouble prone if not kept occupied, while a busy child is a safe one. There are many jobs for even young children in a kitchen; washing and drying vegetables, peeling fruit, stirring mixes, they LOVE to pound meat and chop nuts with a mallet or turn a flour sifter. Slightly older ones, with a hand protector, can use a mandolin or grater. Whether on a daily basis, or for special occasions, cooking food with a child creates a bond of sharing.

The novice and the pinch-hitter, no matter how experienced a cook, are both under pressure to produce a meal working in unfamiliar circumstances. There is often the additional stress of this action having been dictated by a specific need; a special event, like Mother’s Day, an absence or illness. These modified recipes make the task simpler, but help finding things, or ingredients is very welcome and forms special friendships.

Obviously, as a training manual, the simplified recipes in Can I help? are invaluableThey keep teens focused and prevent older newbies from feeling like they’ve been enrolled in cooking ‘kindergarten’ . If nothing else, it’s an ego saver but these recipes do make the learning process easier, especially since they yield good results. It’s incentive to continue. For a teen, who has been helping in the kitchen since childhood, the recipes are like flight plans for solos. You could end up with a sous chef in the family, which is truly a welcome addition.

Actually, the family as a whole can benefit from this book and summer is a perfect time to begin the process. It’s a laid-back time of year, with the longer hours of daylight giving the evenings a relaxed feeling, lacking the intrusion of outside activities or pressure of homework. Dinner can be a little later, last a little longer and interacting with other family members given more time. Why not start a little earlier, say in the kitchen rather than at table? If everyone helps with meal preparation, it’s that much more time to spend together and the meal becomes a family accomplishment. It doesn’t have to be every night, once a week is a good start, and it can yield rewards the rest of the year too, if the family gets into the habit of pitching in. Simplified recipes can be a huge benefit in easing this process. The book is available for $7.99 on Kindle and in our site book section. Just got to

The recipes in Can I help? are divided into four groups, breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert. I’m including a couple of sample recipes from each group below to show how they can be both ‘company presentable’ and easy to make. With each category heading I’ll list a couple of others from that group as examples of the variety of options.


Other recipes include Eggs Parmesan, Easy Home-Made Cinnamon Buns, Oven Pancake and Melon Boats

Yogurt with Bananas and NutsServes 4
3 large, ripe bananas
16 oz. Greek yogurt
4 Tbs. toasted chopped nuts, walnuts, almonds or hazelnuts
Peel the bananas and wrap separately in plastic wrap. Microwave 1 min. on high. Cool, unwrap and mash. Gently mix with the yogurt and spoon into 4 dessert dishes. Chill briefly to cool and sprinkle nuts equally over the tops as garnish.

Eggs FlorentineServes 4
(1) 10 oz. box frozen chopped spinach
4 eggs
1 tsp. salt OR 1 envelope bouillon powder-beef or chicken
Pinch nutmeg
Grated Parmesan cheese
Thaw and drain the spinach in a sieve until it is moist but not wet . Mix in the bouillon or salt and nutmeg then divide it between 4 greased custard cups or ramekins. Top with a raw egg and sprinkle with cheese. Place cups in a pan with ½ inch water and bake at 350 deg. 15 min. or until eggs are set.

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Some other options are Strata Burgers, Monte Cristo Sandwiches, Classic Quiche, and Gazpacho-Pasta Salad

Tuna and Bean Salad: Serves 4
6 oz. can solid white tuna in water- drained
16 oz. can cannellini or other white beans-rinsed and drained
2 plum tomatoes diced
2 tsp. dried basil
Ground black pepper
Salt to taste
1 Tbs. balsamic vinegar
2 Tbs. fresh lemon juice
1 tsp. powdered garlic
1 Tbs. oil
2 Tbs. Dijon or spicy mustard
Mix the last 5 ingredients well and set aside to let the flavors form a dressing. Gently toss the first 6 ingredients. then add the dressing. Allow the whole to chill for 30 min. at least to meld flavors. Serve on lettuce lined plates garnished with a sprinkle of basil.

Turkey Mousse: Serves 4
1 ½ cups chicken or turkey stock
1 envelope Knox unflavored gelatin
1 ½ cups minced cooked chicken or turkey – Deli, canned or leftover
¼ cup mayonnaise** See options at bottom
1 small onion minced
1 stalk celery minced
½ tsp . curry powder
1tsp. celery seeds
¾ cup heavy cream whipped ** See options at bottom
Soak gelatin in a microwave safe cup with ½ cup of stock until softened and risen. Microwave for30 sec. or until dissolved. Mix in all remaining ingredients except cream and chill until beginning to set. Fold in whipped cream and spoon into a lightly oiled 1 qt. mold. Cover and chill overnight. Unmold and serve on a lettuce lined plate.
** Cream can be replaced with yogurt. Use 1 ½ cups plain Greek yogurt and increase mayonnaise to ½ cup.


Among the other choices are My Beef Kabobs, Chicken with Cherries, Pork (or Turkey) Loin with Apricot Glaze and Salad Nicoise. These recipes point out specific tasks for children.

Chicken with Mustard and Honey: Serves 4-easy to divide and/or multiply
NOTE: The seasoning ingredients are placed under the skin to help them infuse the meat. This can be done by children and they can count the cooking time.
4 large chicken thighs
4 tsp. honey
4 tsp. Dijon or grained mustard
¼ tsp. ground black pepper—optional
Garlic Powder NOT garlic salt
Mix the honey, mustard and pepper, if using. Lift the skin on the chicken and place 2 tsp. of the mixture on the meat sprinkle with garlic. Place the pieces slightly separated in a roasting pan with ½ inch of water or broth in the bottom. Bake in a preheated 350 deg. oven for 30- 40 min. or until juices run clear when pricked with a knife point.
A pan sauce can be made by adding a bit of apple juice, cider or broth to the pan drippings to deglaze.

Double Punch Lasagna Roll-Ups: Serves 4
Save for the actual cooking, children can do most of the work in preparing this dish.
If you need to plan ahead for an oven-ready dinner, this casserole keeps wonderfully well for 2 or 3 days in the refrigerator, and makes a good party dish, but the stuffed noodles have to be served as separate entities. Don’t randomly cut into the dish.
1 lb. ground turkey (Frozen rolls ex. Jenny-O, work well here. The finer ground seems to compact more easily for stuffing. Be sure to thaw before cooking.)
1 medium onion chopped
(1) 4oz. can mushrooms-stems and pieces – drained
2 tsp. chopped garlic
2 tsp. dried oregano
2 tsp. dried basil
¾ cup ricotta cheese
1 Tbs. oil
4 Lasagna noodles broken in half (or cut after boiling)
(2) 8oz. cans tomato sauce
7 oz. canned diced tomatoes = ½ a 14 oz. can- drained and juice reserved
2 ½ cups milk
5 Tbs. flour
5 Tbs. butter
4 oz. Monterey Jack cheese in small cubes ( peppers optional)
¼ tsp. ground nutmeg
Salt to taste
Grated Parmesan cheese and paprika to garnish
Cook noodles in boiling water until very tender @ 10 min. Drain and keep in cool water so they don’t dry out. In a skillet, heat oil over medium heat and sauté onion until soft @ 3 min. Add mushrooms for 2 min. then add garlic for one minute, then turkey, separating it between the fingers as it goes into the pan, and 1 teaspoon each of the oregano and basil. Cook, stirring, to keep meat separated until it browns @ 5 min. If mixture begins to seem dry or stick to the pan, add a bit of the reserved tomato juice. Stir in ricotta and remove from heat.
Lightly coat a casserole about 9x9x3, with cooking spray. Spread tomato sauce, diced tomatoes and second teaspoons of oregano and basil, in the bottom. Lay out the noodles, and put an equal portion of the meat mixture on each. Roll the noodle around the stuffing, until the ends meet, and carefully lay each, seam side down in the prepared casserole.
In a saucepan, over high heat, melt the butter until it foams. Remove from the heat and stir in the flour to make a smooth paste. This is called a Roux. Add the milk, and stirring constantly to incorporate the roux, return the pan to the stove over medium heat. Continue stirring until sauce thickens, never allowing it to boil (lift the pan for a moment if it starts to) @ 3 min.
When it has thickened, stir in the Jack cheese until it melts, add the nutmeg and salt. White Sauce often does need salt (see Sauces and Gravies Link) Pour this sauce over the noodles, dust with grated parmesan cheese and paprika to garnish. Preheat oven to 375 degrees and bake until sauce bubbles and slightly browns about 30 min.


Here there are three recipes to show the variety. Some other choices in the book are Fruit Pizza, Chocolate No-Cook Bars, Cherry Cobbler and Chocolate Raspberry Cake

Easy Berry Angel Cake # 2

1 purchased pound cake
8 oz. tub of Whipped Topping
1pt. box of strawberries
Save several nice berries for decoration. Slice the rest and sprinkle with sugar. Allow to rest few hours for the juice to extract itself. Just before serving, cut the cake into 3 layers. Spread first with 1/3rd of the whipped topping, spoon ½ the sliced berries over it allowing the juice to drip down the sides. Repeat with 2nd layer. Finish with 3rd layer topped with the rest of the whipped topping and the reserved decorative berries.

Dump Cake

2 cans fruit pie filling
1 box yellow cake mix
½ cup butter or margarine melted
1 tsp. ground cinnamon – optional
Spread the pie filling in the bottom of a 13 x 9 inch pan, mix with cinnamon if using. Cover with the dry cake mix and pour the butter over all. Do not stir. Bake in a preheated 350 deg. oven 30 min. until top is golden. Serve with ice cream or whipped topping.

Fruit Gelati: Makes 1 quart
2 bananas
2 papayas
1 Orange grated to yield 1 Tbs. zest and 1 Tbs. juice reserved
1 lemon grated to yield 1 Tbs. zest and 1 Tbs. juice reserved
1lime grated to yield 1 Tbs. zest and 1 Tbs. juice reserved
½ cup sugar
1 quart milk
1 tsp. vanilla
Blend or process all ingredients until blended. Pour into a shallow pan and freeze overnight. Process again until smooth, pour into a bowl and freeze overnight again. Scoop as ice cream to serve.
Variation: Substitute 1 ripe pineapple diced and 4 peeled and diced kiwi for the other fruit.


Herbs have a history with man nearly as old as that of fire. It’s believed that soon after man learned to cook meat, he discovered that encasing it in fresh soft greens prevented it from burning and being covered in ashes from the coals. Greens=flavoring=better taste and the rest is, well, history. The fact that most herbs have or are reputed to have medicinal value may have been realized as a result.

But what exactly is an herb? Well, by definition: 1) a seed-producing annual, biennial, or perennial that does not develop persistent woody tissue but dies down at the end of a growing season. 2) a plant or plant part valued for its medicinal, savory, or aromatic qualities.

In common terminology: Herbs are plants with fragrant or aromatic properties, used to flavor food, included in fragrances, and even a part of natural medicines. The herb is the green or leafy part of the plant. In the case of basil, the leaves can be quite large, whereas rosemary leaves are more like spines of an evergreen plant and dill has fern-like fronds.

The essential difference between herbs and spices depends on which part of the plant they originate. An herb is a leaf or other green part of the plant. All other elements of the plant are considered to be spice—including dried bark, roots, berries, seeds, twigs, or other plant matter used to season or flavor food.  Some plants, like dill and cilantro provide both.  Also spices are always in dried form while herbs can be used either fresh or dried.

The fact that herbs are, by definition, a fresh green, tied growing them to geographic and climatic locations and hence, their connections with specific cuisines. For centuries, drying herbs allowed them to travel globally as people migrated. However, now, rapid food transport and modern cultivation facilities makes fresh herbs globally available all year opening the door to embracing different cuisines and even creating new ‘fusion’ or combined  ones.

The culinary world divides herbs into two groups Fine and RobustFine herbs mix well with others and become milder and/or bitter when cooked, so are often added at the end of cooking. They are excellent eaten raw or in salads-examples are basil, chervil, thyme and rosemary. Robust herbs like mint, dill, savory and sage are full bodied, rich in flavor and are often used alone. They stand up in dishes that are cooked, chilled and/or stored. Generally though, herbs are best when fine and robust are blended to give counterbalance to the flavor of the dish.

When cooking with herbs, there is a general rule of thumb to keep in mind regarding the ratio of fresh to dry: Because dried herbs are often more potent and concentrated than fresh herbs, you need less. That means the correct ratio is one tablespoon of fresh herbs to one teaspoon of dried herbs.

Herbs are easy to grow and wonderful to have fresh on hand, so if you decide to grow your own, as I do, or find a windfall in your produce department and want to preserve some, I suggest you go to : 3  There are air dryers and microwave methods to do this but the 3 tried and true ways to preserve herbs are by hanging, oven drying and freezing. This article covers all three clearly.


Widely gown, basil is traditionally used on tomatoes, both cooked and raw and is a staple of Italian cuisine.  The leaves and tender green stems give a sweet and mildly pungent flavor to many foods, salads, lamb chops, cheese dishes and vegetables, especially peas and green beans.

Globally grown, chervil has a mild parsley-like flavor. It’s most generally used sprinkled on top of cream soups, salads, egg dishes and fish. However, with fish, it’s best finely chopped and added just before cooking is finished.

Related to onions but with a more delicate taste, chives are a favorite garnish on many dishes. Mixed with melted butter and lemon juice, they’re a finish for boiled or steamed vegetables, especially potatoes. Chopped and mixed with cheese, they become a spread and are a welcome addition to many salads and most particularly dishes with cottage cheese.

Cilantro is a versatile, uniquely flavored herb from the fresh leaves of the coriander plant, a member of the parsley family, which is essential in many Mexican, Middle Eastern, Indian, and Asian recipes. It is almost always used fresh because it doesn’t dry well. The leaves look much like flat-leaf parsley, growing on long, tender stems. The seeds of the plant are used as a spice called coriander, which has a completely different flavor from cilantro. 

Best known as a flavoring for pickles, dill is also good sprinkled on potatoes, in Cole slaw and cheese dishes like macaroni. It makes a fine flavoring for sauces on many fish, specially halibut, mackerel and salmon. T leaves are used as an herb, while the seeds are considered a spice with a faint caraway tang.

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French lavender is frequently included in the herb blend ‘herbes de provence’, giving it a subtle floral flavor. As a rule, lavender can be used similarly to fresh rosemary, in recipes like meat marinades and baked breads. Lavender flowers also make a beautiful garnish for salads, desserts, and more.

Lemon balm is a lemon-scented herb that comes from the same family as mint. The herb is native to Europe, North Africa, and West Asia, but it’s grown around the world. The leaves are great for cooking. Use lemon balm in place of lemon peel in recipes and to flavor soups, sauces, vinegars and seafood. Or add it to your favorite sugar cookie dough for a delicious lemony tea cookie.

A very versatile herb, marjoram is a member of the mint family. It’s aromatic and a slightly bitter flavor is a favorite of European cuisines. It’s excellent on lamb, in cheese dishes, poultry stuffings, beef stews and/or mushroom casseroles, soups and vegetables.

Originally from Europe and Asia, mint is a staple with lamb in sauces and jelly. It also provides a bright flavor spark in Indian dishes, salads and cold vegetable mixtures. It’s sweet, strong, tangy and cool taste had earned it an unusual place for an herb, in sweets, candy, ice cream, the  liqueur crème de minthe and drinks such as the Mint Julep.

Closely related to marjoram, oregano has a similar flavor, strong, aromatic, pleasantly bitter. It’s a staple ingredient in Italian cuisine, especially in sauces, in omelets, other egg dishes and salads. Gourmets use it with pork and Mexican cuisine pairs it with chicken.

Parsley is one of the most versatile herbs used in Middle Eastern and Continental cuisines. Commonly used as a garnish, but more popularly used as a spice, there are two main varieties of parsley: curly leaf and flat leaf. Curly leaf is often used as a garnish but both varieties are widely used in cooking. Because of its light scent and fresh taste, parsley can be used in anything from soups to sauces to salads.  As a garnish, parsley can be chopped and sprinkled in soups, vegetable dishes, or mixed with ground meat, such as lamb, beef and poultry.

Rosemary is the leaf of an evergreen shrub shaped like a curved pine needle. It has a fresh, sweet flavor which is better fresh than dried.I’s a favorite with roast beef, but is excellent with all meat dishes, amb, poultry, pork and fish.

A member of the mint family, savory has tiny leaves which, dried, have a warm, aromatic flavor and make an excellent sauce for vegetables, especially green beans. It can be used alone or mixed with other herbs to flavor meats and meat stuffings, chicken, eggs, salads and sauces.


A popular herb in the U.S., sage is fragrant and a little bitter, it’s commonly used in poultry stuffings, especially recipes using giblets. Excellent with duck, sage is also good with pork, baked fish and in sauces.

With a faintly anise-like flavor, tarragon is best known for flavoring vinegar for which both the dried leaves and the flowers can be used. It’s excellent on seafood, especially lobster and shrimp and good sprinkled on broiled chicken as it finishes. Fresh leaves are featured in several Italian entrees.

Thyme is aromatic, pungent and goes well with poultry sauces and stuffings, tomatoes and sauced beef dishes. It’s excellent with fish and shellfish soups and stews like chowders and gumbos and is good sprinkled in the cooking water for boiled lobster.


Fennel is a member of the carrot family, though it’s not a root vegetable. The base of its long stalks weave together to form a thick, crisp bulb that grows above ground. Above the bulb, at the tip of the stalks, it has light, feathery leaves that resemble dill. When it goes to seed, fennel also produces small yellow flowers among the leaves. Every part of it is edible, from the bulb to the flowers, and it can be eaten raw or cooked. Though the stalks and leaves are edible, fennel recipes most often call for the bulb. When raw, it has a crisp texture similar to celery and a fresh licorice flavor. It caramelizes as it cooks, taking on a sweeter flavor and tender, melt-in-your mouth texture.

Garlic is most often used as a flavoring agent in all cuisines but can also be eaten as a vegetable. It is used to flavor many foods, such as salad dressings, vinaigrettes, marinades, sauces, vegetables, meats, soups, and stews. It is often used to make garlic butter and garlic toast.