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Posts from the ‘Seasonal’ Category

Food Suggestions And Preparation Tips For Christmas time left-overs

The holidays are here, and I suppose, like me, to be sure there’s enough, you’ve over bought for at least one meal, which means that in a few days you’re gong to be contemplating left-overs, but that’s O.K. If you’ve read my plan, you know my approach to over stocking, and leftovers are simply surplus in a prepared form. In fact, I like to stretch their use out.  It offers chances to be creative and save money on  food bills for the next week or so. To this end, and to keep my family from boredom, I only give  a  major meal one encore, and never with  the full cast. For us, it’s turkey, stuffing and one green vegetable. We  relax, enjoy the main entree, don’t feel stuffed ourselves, and appreciate the other dishes in future dinners.

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