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Posts from the ‘Self Help’ Category

Pasta and Carbohydrates – Truths, Myths and Pasta Recipes

Last week we discussed that though protein may build muscle, it’s carbohydrates that keep you going because they provide energy. However there are two types of carbohydrates, the simple and the complex. Read more

Rice and Carbohydrates – Myths, Truths and Rice Recipes

I knew a man who hated buffets and carbohydrates. The seventh if ten children, his mother had long since decided that preparing food for her brood was difficult enough without having to clean serving dishes too. Read more

Getting Organized

In my last blog I spoke of a friend who thought she had her food expenses in hand. She was aware of the effects of the drought on prices and had allowed for them, but not for the implications should The Farm Bill not be renewed in Sept. Having three children, if milk were to go to $10.00 per gal. and related dairy products skyrocket in sympathy, she faces a major increase in expenses right there.  Another blow was her reduced paycheck due to the Fiscal Cliff agreement. Facing higher prices with less money inspired her to get an overview of her expenses and, if not commit to a set budget, at least find areas to cut back. I’m sure there are many others in the same boat as my friend and reaching the same conclusion. Read more


Well we dodged the January 1st. bullets. I say “dodged” not “missed” because the Farm Bill is only postponed until September, so milk may still be an issue this year, and the Fiscal Cliff “save” carries some unpleasant results. This was made very clear to me during a conversation I had with a younger friend last weekend.

 I have known this girl all her life, and always admired her level headedness. She and her husband are executives of large corporations, one a financial institution, and they are two of the most economically responsible people I ever met. Their focus is in providing for their young family, planning for the future and being able to face any emergencies that might arise.  Their combined  daily commute is more than 5hrs., so gas prices presented a problem requiring some adjustment this past year, and will this year too, since they are expected to go up again. They were prepared for the food price hikes  due to the drought. What they weren’t prepared for was the difference the payroll tax would make in their incomes .As my friend explained, despite a raise in December and a Christmas Bonus, her first paycheck this year was 3 digits lower  than her last one. Her husband had a similar shock, as did most of the people in their respective offices. As I suspect did many working Americans. Read more

Hello 2013

Here’s hoping you all had a nice holiday, had a chance to relax, catch your breath and get ready to face the New Year and apparently, 2013 will present challenges to be faced.  It is now two days before the year ends and I sincerely hope there will be some last-minute agreements reached, but according to the news reports, that seems doubtful.  If Congress fails to act, we can expect to see the consequences reflected in many aspects of our lives, not the least of which will be the cost of feeding our families. Read more

Sweet Endings

Like most children, making desserts was a big incentive in my learning to cook. For me the lure was Pecan Pie. For some reason it’s served in the South and in New England, but never in the Mid-Atlantic States and I love Pecan Pie! The old adage; “If you want something done right –or even at all— do it yourself” held true. The search for my ideal Pecan Pie started me on the road to exploring cooking at a young age and though I concentrate on “more serious” food now, I still find desserts the most fun, maybe because they’re the most appreciated offerings. Other courses can be received with approval, appreciation and even enthusiasm, but none make eyes light up the way desserts do. Read more

A peek at 2013

It’s nice to be validated, especially by official sources. It means your opinion has worth and kinda makes you want to stick your thumbs in your suspenders and strut a few steps. On the other hand, being able to say;”I told you so!”  isn’t always so pleasant. It usually means something unwanted has come to pass. So I have mixed feelings writing this. The report from The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Department is out and I was right about anticipating a larger gain in food prices in 2013 than 2012. Last year they expected a rise of 3% to 4%. This year they’re forecasting price increases of AT LEAST 5%, pending the full effects of the drought, and no reversal in the trend until 2020 at the earliest. So hold onto your hats people, we’re in for a ride. No matter your financial position, you will feel the consequences. Read more

‘Tis the season for gifting!

Two weeks ago I confessed that Thanksgiving really snuck up on me, but Christmas dosen’t stand a chance of doing that. From the moment I turned on the car radio Thanksgiving Day, I’ve been bombarded by Christmas music, especially in the stores.  I hate to disappoint the promo departments, but starting this early on dosen’t put me in the holiday mood so much as it raises my anxiety level, particularly when I’m shopping, by reminding me I’m facing a deadline. So much to do, so little time!! Read more