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Reading Head Start—Give Your Child This Gift!!

Give Your Child This Gift
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Reading Head Start is one of the best researched, highly successful reading strategies available for young children. It’s crucial to get a head start on children’s reading success at an early age. Early reading success predicts reading success at older ages which predicts success across the board, in any subject. It’s impossibly hard to catch up if reading is not mastered early. Children prepare for their reading education years before even reading their first book, because 90% of a child’s brain is developed by age three.
By age three, a child’s vocabulary can predict third-grade reading proficiency. That’s why it’s so important to get started early using a system that works for kids, because 37% of children today enter Kindergarten without the skills necessary to begin their learning journey and that’s troubling.
Once behind, it’s difficult to catch up. By the end of first grade, kids are expected to ask questions and remember story details. If a child isn’t reading at grade level by that point, there’s an 88% likelihood that he will still be behind in reading by fourth grade. That could change their entire lives, because illiteracy doesn’t just lead to low self-esteem, children who are not reading at grade level by fourth grade are four times more likely to drop out of school. In fact, one out of seven adults has such low literacy skills that they can’t read anything more complicated than a child’s picture book.
Head Start Reading isn’t just for pre-schoolers either. It targets children up to 9 years and is especially helpful for those with learning difficulties, including dyslexia. Results are seen immediately, and improvement charted within a week. This creates a wonderful, positive bonding experience, with life-long rewards.
Start the program for only $1.00 and then if you decide to go on and, for any reason, you aren’t satisfied there’s a one year full refund guarantee. So try it now and give your child a Head Start on Reading just click the link below.