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The Cinderella Solution-Carb- Paring Melts Pounds

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AT LAST, fast ‘FAD’ diet results from a program doctors approve.
Cinderella Solution is a weight-loss program that helps women over the age of 25 to reclaim control of their body by speeding up their metabolism and curbing their cravings. It counteracts a hormonal transition destroying the metabolic balance, allowing weight loss to begin from the inside out.
Carbohydrates, through increasing blood sugars, provide us the energy we need, even to breathe. The body considers them so important it creates cells to store excess, which we call fat. Proteins use this energy to build and maintain muscles, and help with satiety.
When the right amount of protein and complex carbs are paired in a meal there is no excess. We feel satisfied, energized and become more active which increases our metabolism and peels off the pounds. Good parings, for example, are whole-grain crackers (carb) and hummus (protein), or apple slices (carb) and peanut butter.
Learn more about foods that are healthy, the spices that can help a woman in her weight loss journey and how to pair them properly. Click below to see how you too can unlock your true weight loss potential.